"The purpose of computing is insight, not numbers." (R. Hamming)

The purpose of visualization is insight, not pretty pictures.


Welcome to the VDA (Visualization and Data Analysis) group!

We are a group of diverse people with the aim to create better tools and algorithms for analyzing and displaying data.
Our roots can be found in areas such as computer graphics, image processing, and human-computer interaction, our current focus aligns well with the challenges presented by the field of data science.

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Team of research group VDA

Publications of research group VDA

Projects of research group VDA

 News & Events

Péter co-authored and presented a short paper at the IEEE VIS conference in Melbourne titled "Draco 2: An Extensible Platform to Model Visualization Design" which was...

On June 15th, Laura Lotteraner, Regina Schuster, and Judith Staudner hosted a workshop on visualizing social media data at FMS im Zentrum, a public school in Vienna.

We cordially invite you to attend a talk by Jen Christiansen from Scientific American. The talk will focus on the topic "Special Considerations for Science Graphics (from a...

We cordially invite you to attend a talk by Jos Roerdink from the University of Groningen. The talk will focus on the topic "Data-Driven Visualization of Multichannel EEG...

We are happy to announce that Timothée Schmude's paper “On the Impact of Explanations on Understanding of Algorithmic Decision-Making” was accepted at this year’s ACM...

Hamid Younesy's paper "ModEx: a general purpose computer model exploration system" was published in Frontiers in Bioinformatics.