"The purpose of computing is insight, not numbers." (R. Hamming)

The purpose of visualization is insight, not pretty pictures.


Welcome to the VDA (Visualization and Data Analysis) group!

We are a group of diverse people with the aim to create better tools and algorithms for analyzing and displaying data.
Our roots can be found in areas such as computer graphics, image processing, and human-computer interaction, our current focus aligns well with the challenges presented by the field of data science.

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Team of research group VDA

Publications of research group VDA

Projects of research group VDA

 News & Events

Congratulations to Laura Koesten, Jude Yew and Kathleen Gregory, whose article was recently published in the ACM Interactions magazine.

We congratulate Laura for winning the Hedy Lamarr Price of the city of Vienna. We are very proud of her. Very well deserved!

We are very happy and proud to have Laura Koesten being nominated for the Hedy-Lamarr Price 2024!

Today a year ago, Torsten Möller was inducted into the IEEE VGTC Visualization Academy​​​​​​​. 

A catalogue of lay people’s information needs about AI systems

Congratulations to Regina Schuster, Kathleen Gregory, Torsten Möller, and Laura Koesten, whose paper on climate visualization just got published in the IEEE Transactions on...