"Draco 2: An Extensible Platform to Model Visualization Design" presents the successor of the 2018 InfoVis conference's best paper awardee, "Formalizing Visualization Design Knowledge as Constraints: Actionable and Extensible Models in Draco". Draco 2 contributes a flexible, extensible visualization specification format, a comprehensive test suite and documentation, as well as adaptive, convenient APIs. One of the main objectives of the work is to facilitate its integration into visualization systems and make Draco 2 a platform for future visualization research.
Péter got involved with the research on Draco 2 through open-source contributions he made to Draco 1 while working on his Bachelor's thesis at VDA. The project turned out to be an exciting collaboration between four different universities: the University of Washington, the University of Vienna, the University of Maryland, and Carnegie Mellon University.
Congratulations, Péter Ferenc Gyarmati!